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DIHAD Humanitarian AID


The countries from the Arabian Peninsula stand out of solidarity and humanitarian aid works that they do systematically.
The authorities and citizens of the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, for cultural reasons, are very proactive and very well organized to develop charities.
They have historically known how to survive and develop in ecosystems with very hostile conditions for the conservation of life; this is why help between individuals and between COMMUNITIES was a fundamental factor for survival.
It is also very clear the Islamic mandate which is professed in these countries: is mandatory for Muslims to practice humanitarian aid to all those in need and they really put it into practice.
Currently there are many and very important humanitarian aid foundations from private and state sectors that operate in these countries. They interact from here to any corner of the world where there are people who require help.
The factors that most influence this problem are climatic catastrophes, armed conflicts, the lack of a good strategy in economic policy and resource management in many countries that generate a significant deficiency of infrastructure, especially in relation to the supply of drinking water, electricity and sanitary systems.
All these deficiencies profoundly affect the health, well-being and quality of life of large communities around the world that cannot meet their basic needs for subsistence.
As one more contribution to announce this problem internationally since several years, in March of each year, the international fair "DIHAD" has been held in Dubai, which has become the most important international event of humanitarian aid throughout the Region.
The DIHAD Fair has a double objective: to show the urgent needs of different deprived populations, and also the requirements that arise from time to time due to the damages generated by unforeseen catastrophes.
And secondly, to expose and promote the presentation of projects and the offer of products, which, led by the different foundations, can collaborate in improving the sad reality of millions of human beings.
The most important products at this fair are mainly foods that meet basic nutritional needs, that do not require a cold chain, that are easily distributed and affordable.
Also drinking water, practical water purification systems, medicines and medical instruments, ambulances, clothing in general, tents, field houses, and many more.
Contact JS Almacén to participate in this event and to promote your company and products on our website: we can be your presence in the most prestigious Fairs and events in the Middle East region.

29 Apr - 1 May 2025
Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre

Dubai is nearby, We are the bridge.

Casa Latina is a fully diversified international trading and sales organization operating in the United Arab Emirates and overseas.
We count on skilled professionals worldwide.